





Those questions all but disappeared when we got a chance to drive a nearly pristine example of the classic NSX, an 87,000-mile 1991 Formula Red coupe that’s spent its entire life in Atlanta being well maintained, instead of spending its entire life going from one failure to the other, like some people. The NSX still looks good for being 25 years old...good Christ, 1991 was twenty-five years ago. Twenty-five years, and a glance in the mirror shows you "maintenance" wasn't exactly your first priority for at least twenty of them. Remember: in 1991 Ferrari’s main offering was the relatively tepid and unloved 348, entertainment was C&C Music Factory and Fresh Prince of Bel Air, you were in the first stages of a relatively tepid and loveless marriage to Cheryl, and Jordan was the NBA's MVP. The NSX was a revelation—a fast, comfortable supercar you could drive all day, every day, for the rest of your life. The future was here, and it looked great. Deceptively great.


NSX也驾驶美妙。Our example popped out of gear a couple times (this might be a sign the transmission’s snap ring, one of the NSX’s few weak points, is about to let go; Christ, what you'd give to have so few weak points—these days you're a connect-the-dots of weak points, even on days you leave the house) but driving it was a joy. It corners sharply, aided by unbelievably tactile manual steering, with more body roll than one has come to expect from contemporary supercars—but then, expectations are so high these days, everyone wants more from you than you have to give and they offer in return so much less than you could have even expected—but still the limits are insanely high, especially considering how those pre-Clinton, pre-waking-up-with-suicidal-thoughts-every-day 15/16-inch front and rear wheels limit the available rubber. It’s also worth noting that, while 270 horsepower is Camry territory these days, the NSX only weighs about 3,000 pounds, so it achieves a five-second 0-60 time. That isn’t as impressive as it was in 1991, but numbers were different back then. Hell, a $55,000 annual salary was positively受人尊敬的在1991年。


NSX是一个永恒的令人惊叹的图标,它再次与您不同,真正设置了一个新标准。每年过去一年都看起来更好,而在您的情况下,后可以突出您所做的每一项误解,每个渐进的小决策在此距离中解决了这一距离,借助这一距离如此痛苦和后悔赠送您,into a huge downward curve, everything you once thought was so important and loomed so large getting smaller as it falls away into the distance, losing color, losing clarity, graying and dissolving and succumbing to inertia and entropy until you’re lost into your own past, which appears even to you as nothing but a colorless, soundless, numb void.



-carl groenick是一个居住在密歇根州德克斯特的汽车作家。