SuperCar摊牌:Bugatti Chiron和调谐迈凯轮720s在拖动带上

迈凯轮720s可以在对阵Bugatti Chiron时抓住其不可阻挡的声誉吗?

在德国最近的赛车活动中,Bugatti Chiron和Tuned McLaren 720s在争夺最快的速度方面前往头。虽然720年的力量较少,但它建造了距离远远超过直线比赛的汽车的声誉。然而,如此所示,Chiron没有什么可以混淆最近的YouTube视频

除了是汽车Ice-T正在开车当他本周因收费逃守时,迈凯轮720s是一个互联网英雄,用于击打更强大的汽车,主要是由于其轻量化的结构。这个特殊的双涡轮增压4.0升例子已经被修改为制作861马力,所以比股票710 HP更多。另一方面,Bugatti Chiron在1,500马上搅拌,所以没有什么是上帝的行为,至少最初是在迈凯轮的青睐中倾斜这场比赛。

There’s not much to tell about the finish line from the perspective of the starting line, as is the case with almost all single POV race videos floating around the internet, but the mile-per-hour results are briefly shown on the screen after the races end. To no one’s surprise, the Chiron powers through to higher speeds during both rounds of racing. The McLaren 720S reaches 182.99 mph and 184.05 mph, with the Bugatti beating it by a significant margin at 201.57 mph and 203.68 mph, respectively.

